“Dining In” with a Newborn

Going home with a newborn in your arms means the beginning of a whole new life for you and your family. Managing the differences between expectations and reality—especially in terms of feeding your baby—can go a long way toward making it not just a smooth transition, but also a time of joy. You get home from the maternity ward with a new baby in your arms, your emotions all swirling and perhaps your worries stoked, too. Now what?

Those first few weeks are all about transitions. No matter what, life is about to change in a big way. In our book, Heading Home with Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality, our goal is to help you ease into your new lifestyle with reasonable expectations and a positive attitude regarding the inevitable changes and challenges that lie ahead. To borrow a line from a popular children’s book, we want to leave you telling yourself, “I think I can, I think I can …”

How can you prepare, and how can you adjust when things don’t go quite the way you had in mind? Let’s take a closer look at one of the biggies: feeding.

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Orignal Source: HealthyChildren.org


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